Sport Shop: Photo Gallery:
Carlo's Sierra Backpack trip
Notebook - High Sierra Trout Trek with Anton - Fall 2005
Sport Shop Fly Fishing Guru Carlo Bongio strapped on the backpack
and headed out to the High Sierras recently - enjoy his photos
and comments below - and if you have any questions, call him
or see him up at our Santa Rosa location
- 707-542-4432.
Carlo -
photos are of my son Anton and me fishing the Golden Trout Wilderness
Area out of Lone Pine, CA. We alsofished Hot Creek (near Mammoth
Lakes), Mammoth Creek and Red Lake Creek. We caught Golden Trout,
Brown Trout, Rainbow and Brook Trout. Plus, we had the bonus
of finding Porcini mushrooms in the High Sierra. Enjoy!"
At left
is one of the wild Golden Trout caught and released during their
trip - the Golden Trout is the state fish of California.
The colors
of the Golden Trout are unparalleled among freshwater fish.
Anton shows
off a nice Golden caught in the Golden Trout Wilderness /Inyo
National Forest.


Red Lake Creek for Brook Trout

Wild Brook
Trout from Red Lake Creek.

Creek Rainbow Trout.

fishes a stretch of Hot Creek, near Mammoth Lakes

Hot Creek
caught Brown Trout.
scenery of the high country. Anton tries his hand at Mammoth
Creek (above, left) and at Lake Mcleod for cutthroats (above,
right). Below, an idyllic campsite at Muir Lake in the Golden
Trout Wilderness - this lake is not only gorgeous, it holds
Golden Trout in the 20" range!

course, leave it to Carlo to find something like this...
While hiking
and fishing for Goldens, the twosome found some reasonably impressive
Porcini Mushrooms*. For Carlo, a mushroom hunter from way back,
this rivaled the fishing! They were certainly larger than some
of the high sierra trout!
*And, just
so we've said it, there are inherent dangers in eating mushrooms
in the wild, including death. Carlo knows what he is doing.
If you have any questions, DON'T DO IT without the help of an
massive Muskie courtesy of the Chippewa River! |
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