Sport Shop: Photo Gallery:
Page 3
- Hunting - Fly Fishing
Last Update: September 7, 2007 - Older photos are on other pages of the gallery
Fishing Gallery Pages (most recent first): 7
- 6 - 5 - 4
- 3 - 2 - 1
Carlo's Muskie Trip - Carlo's Atlantic
Salmon - Dave's Drift Trip -
Marc at Putah
Tour of the Sage Fly Rod Factory
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& Nicky at the November Putah Creek Clinic

Two of the
younger members of November's Putah Creek Nymph Fishing Clinic,
Joey and Nicky had a successful trip their first time out.
In the top
shots, they learn about the aquatic entomology of the river,
then seine the current themselves to find appropriate insects.
Nicky works his roll cast under the tight conditions at the
stream, and both young men land trout before the day is over!
to these new avid anglers!
Department Manager Dan hoists a load of rockfish which he caught
in Timber Cove during 2002. Sharp-eyed folk will notice his
preferred method of sneaking up on these fish.
Twins Dan and Scott show off their results from two different
trips. Dan's (on the left) was a 25 pounder, but Scott's weighed
in at 34. |
top four shots were emailed to us from Norway,
where longtime customer Don V. must be wearing himself out
catching and releasing these
Atlantic Salmon while fishing the fjords.

of our long-time customers sent us this shot from his around-the-world
trip -
this was the first fish Elyza ever caught. Sure, it's a nice
fish from an exotic locale - Nairobi to be exact.
But we weren't all that impressed until we noticed the "quality"
of the fish's teeth.
Just in case your screen doesn't show it too well, we've magnified
it below. Would you want to hold that in your hands?

to home, Pat finds himself attached to a
large monkey-faced eel while poke poling on the Marin shore.
Another fish that you don't want to reach in the mouth of...

One of
our favorite young fishermen,
Junior shows off a catfish he caught himself.
One of the
original members of the "Western Sport Shop Kid's Fishing
- even though he's all grown up now -
still manages to catch and release a variety of fish in the
SF Bay,
although next time, we'd like to see him make the shark smile
at the camera!

Department Manager Dan, RJ and Gene show off their results from
a day out with Armand Castagna on the San Pablo Bay. |
and the ocean salmon are getting huge -
Pat and Dan from our San Rafael store show off a day's catch.

different trips, all with excellent results - Dan, Jim and
Gene all play hooky one day, Captain Ron boats a pair, and
Big Jim gets a big salmon!
Now, we've
heard enough stories of "fish that broke gear" over
the years to fill a book.
So if you're going to claim that you caught a fish big enough
to break a net -
you better provide photographic proof!
Fishing department manager Dan tests equipment under real-world
Here, a 40+ pounder stresses everything!

Avid angler Ann V. shows off a beautiful Pyramid Lake trout.

Todd Iwamoto,
current President of the
Sonoma County Belly Boat Bass Club
in some shots from recent evening tournaments -
Up above,
Deren K. and Rich C. with fish of 9.18 lbs (Deren - left) and
8.09 lbs (Rich- right), from their efforts on Spring Lake.

Here, Todd
and William P. show off their catch from a recent SCBBBC
night tourney at Lake Sonoma.
They caught & released four nice fish with a combined weight
of 20.03lbs! The big fish was 8.34 lbs.

Department manager Dan has even been know to chase a bass or
two -
here he shows off what fly fishing in
tight cover can produce.

Sport Shop's "Grand Poobah" Gene F. rests with pal
after a day out for phaesants at the Black Point Game Bird Club.
If you have
some photos you would like to add to the Gallery,
send an email to photos@westernsportshop.com
to receive submission guidelines. |
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