Sport Shop: Photo Gallery
- Hunting - Fly Fishing
Last Update: September 7, 2007 - Older photos are on other pages of the gallery
Fishing Gallery Pages (most recent first): 7
- 6 - 5 - 4
- 3 - 2 - 1
Carlo's High Country Trout Trip -
Muskie Trip - Carlo's Atlantic Salmon
- Dave's Drift Trip - Marc
at Putah
Tour of the Sage Fly Rod Factory
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Carlo Bongio
of our Santa Rosa store just returned from an April bonefishing
trip to theTurks and Caicos Islands in the British West Indies

In the above
photo, Carlo is dealing with his first 150 yard bonefish run
- plenty of time to worry about all the connections in your

Looks like
everything held just fine! - A nice bonefish caught at the Turks
and Caicos Islands!

Ghost of the Flats" - gives you a good idea why these fish
are reasonably difficult to spot, and quite easy to spook -
pretty clear water conditions.

strong running bonefish, brought to the boat for a quick photo
before release.

More success
on a wonderful trip - if you have questions about bonefishing
or techniques, or just want to hear some stories first-hand,
give Carlo a call up at our Santa Rosa store!
Mike Coopman
- a guide up in the Crescent City Area, checks in with this
huge hatchery steelhead -
This is
Tracy B. with a 21lb Smith River hatchery Steelhead. It was
hooked at Pink Rock and landed underneath the Hiouchi Bridge
approximately 45 minutes later. Tracy was using a HSR 9000 G-Loomis,
a Shimano Stradic MGFA 4000 with 10lb main line and 10lb leader,
with a #4 Gamakatsu hook, shrimp pink glow bug yarn and a jaw
braker fish pill. All
of which were purchased by Coopman's Guide Service at Western
Sports Shop. Thank you Tom and crew.
If you want
to contact Mike Coopman's Guide Service, call (707)465-1367
or email catchin2manyfish@hotmail.com

Santa Rosa
Fly Department Manager Carlo Bongio travelled up to the northwest
recently for technical and after-hours clinics courtesy of Sage
Fly Rods. He got an opportunity to fish the Calawah River on
Washington's Olympic Peninsula. He admits that it was probably
one of the tougher days out - out of 18 anglers, only two fish
were caught. This one wasn't Carlo's, but we still thought it
was a pretty iimpressive fish. Many of you will recognize the
angler as Andy Burk of the Reno Fly Shop (a great shop to visit
if you are in the area). That's an 18 pound steelhead that he
caught and released.

Of course,
Carlo has had a pretty good winter this year - between torrential
rains and epic weather, Carlo has managed to catch and release
some beautiful, fresh fish. These three were tidewater estuary
steelhead over the past season.

Sylvia checks in with some great Sturgeon results from early
February -
- 72" sturgeon caught & released in San Pablo Bay
Angler - Dan Perata
- 58" Sturgeon caught & released in San Pablo Bay

- Lorin Sylvia's First Sturgeon - 32" caught & released
in San Pablo Bay
Sport Shop team members Joe H. and Tom N. took time on their
last day off to give some farm pond bass a bit of a workout
Any day
that starts with a fish like this can't be all bad -

before too long, the bigger fish came out to play -
Western Sport Shop's 5 Day Long Range trip
photos are now viewable online!
here to sign up for the next Shogun Trip - 5 &
8 Day Trips are now scheduled!
here to see all of the photos from the trip!

Sport Shop Fly Fishing Guru Carlo Bongio strapped on the backpack
and headed out to the High Sierras recently - enjoy his photos
photos are of my son Anton and me fishing the Golden Trout Wilderness
Area out of Lone Pine, CA. We alsofished Hot Creek (near Mammoth
Lakes), Mammoth Creek and Red Lake Creek. We caught Golden Trout,
Brown Trout, Rainbow and Brook Trout. Plus, we had the bonus
of finding Porcini mushrooms in the High Sierra. Enjoy!"
Q recently forwarded his photos from a recent trip to Tarpon
Cay Lodge near Cancun. He travelled down there with Lee Haskin
(of "Gurgler" fame) and had a great time chasing small
tarpon, bonefish and permit.
Lee shows off a permit

Tarpon were the order of the day - most went airborne as soon
as they hit the fly

said he was pretty worn out by the trips end - guess if you
catch 30 or 40 of these every day that could be the case

By the
way - John spends his fall running Fall
Run Guide Service in the SF Bay. If you want book a trip
during the best time for large striped bass on a fly rod, head
over to his website (
www.FallRun.com ) and give him a holler.
Back later this week - Carlo Bongio from our Santa Rosa store
just delivered an envelope full of great photos!** |
JIm Purcell
from our Santa Rosa store shares this beautiful trout from his
recent trip to Montana

attached pic is of my best effort during the Wyoming trip .
. . . a 6-lb. cutt/bow (24+ inches w/14 inch girth) taken on
#16 Parachute Adams dead-drifted 10-feet following a "perfect"
50-foot cast beneath the over-hanging willow branches. WOW !!!!!
of the Western Sport Shop Staff participated in the Rohnert
Park Kids Fishing Derby - A HUGE turnout of parents and avid
young anglers made the day a great success! Click
here to see a bunch of photos from the day.
Carlo Bongio from our Santa Rosa store and Lynn headed down
to southern Florida to chase some peacock bass (shown above).
While not the huge monsters found in South America, these fish
(actually chiclids - not a true bass) are beautifully colored
and hard-fighting. Despite a raging chest cold, Carlo hooked
up numerous times, while Lynn did well herself.

Fishing took place in the canals south of Miami in April, 2005
- Carlo poses here with one of the nicer fish of the day, alongside
his guide, captain Mark Hall. You can book a trip with Mark
through his website - FlyFishPeacocks.com
Tell him Carlo sent you!

do you want to service your fishing reel? Well, before it starts
growing green fur like this one did... We were extremely lucky
to have fishing reel tuning & repair expert Alan Tani in
our San Rafael store during April of 2005. He gave another of
his free "Hands-On Reel Repair Clinics" for all those
who wanted to come down and get dirty. All that was needed were
some reels in need of cleaning (see above photo) and a willingness
to learn. Below, Alan surveys his students as things get going
early in the day.

It was
great to see so many people who wanted to learn - we'll schedule
another as soon as we can get Alan back up our way. If you would
like to be notified for the next "Hands On Reel Repair
Clinic", sign up for emal
newsletter by clicking
here, or use the signup at the top of this page
Gurgler fisherman and San Luis Reservoir expert Lee
Haskin sent over these photos to show us the variety of
fish which will take gurglers. In this case, the classic trifecta
- Bonefish - Permit - Tarpon!
We stock
Lee's Gurgler kits in our stores, and have been extremely lucky
to have him tying at our Fly Fishing Fair. Lee is also showing
off a BogaGrip in the tarpon photo, as well as SunGloves. Lee
is also a regular contributor to the Dan
Blanton Bulletin Board

Dave P.
checks in with a big thanks to Richard B. in our San Rafael
store, for helping him get set up with the right gear for this
Baja trip over the winter. Here he shows off a nice morning's
catch of tuna and a mahi-mahi (dorado).
(Richard will be the chartermaster for our Shogun Trip this
September - sorry, it's full, but if you want to be waiting-listed,
call Richard at our San Rafael store)
Need to break
your "dry spell"? On Wed. Feb. 2 Danny purchased a
Shimano Calcutta 400 feel from us hoping to change his dry spell.
We loaded up Danny's reel with Ande 20lb test mono. That Saturday,
Danny caught this 11lb bass and this 56 in. sturgeon. The next
day Danny caught this 62in sturgeon. His dry spell has ended.
through the photo archives, we came across this shot from last
fall - one of the last trips of the 2004 Salmon Season - good
fish all around, with your webmaster at left, John Q. of Fall
Run Guide Service, and Dick P.

Carlo Bongio gives a custom fly casting clinic for a group in
Santa Rosa. Carlo works out of our Santa
Rosa store, and can put together casting and fishing clinics
for your group. Here he shows the finer points of fly presentation
to a group from the Oakmont Anglers club. Got a group? Call
Carlo at 707-542-4432. In Marin? Call Larry at 415-456-5454

If you have
some photos you would like to add to the Gallery,
send an email to photos@westernsportshop.com
to receive submission guidelines. |
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